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Illness Guidelines

How Sick is Too Sick to Attend School

Children get sick and as parents, we want our children not to miss school more than is necessary.  So how sick is “too sick” for school?  There are times when you should keep your child away from school.  And if a child is sick, you should know that keeping them home improves the time required for getting well.  You also reduce the possibility of spreading illnesses.  Here are five signs or symptoms that are reasons for keeping your child at home.

  1. FEVER:  If your child has a fever of 100 or above then he/she should remain at home until fever free for 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
  1. VOMITING/DIARRHEA:  Your child should not attend school if they have had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
  1. UNDIAGNOSED RASH:  Your child should not attend school until the rash has been diagnosed by a physician and treated if necessary.
  1. PINK EYE:  Pink eye is contagious.  Your child must be treated before returning to school.
  1. COMMON SENSE:  There are times when your child just looks and feels like he/she is too sick to learn in school.  If so, there is no point in sending them to school.